When you get married, many different things occur in your life, from staying together to sharing your body, home, and livelihood with a different person. Even so, couples need to realize that their relationship with God is not the same as husband and wife and vice versa.
Many people advising wedded couples tell them that their association with their spouse should be the same as their relationship with God. They suggest that marriage is like the love God has for them. However, below are some things that every newlywed should know.
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Faith Is Seasonal
Faith isn’t always permanent, but in reality, it changes. When you’re strong in faith, your partner may be weak, and when you’re weak in belief, your spouse may be strong. Therefore, it is essential to realize that as newlyweds, you’ll come across many episodes.
The only thing that you can rely on, like life and death, is the word of God. Your belief may not be permanent but cling to Christ since he remains constant.
Self-Less Love
Regardless of how holly you are, at times, it can be challenging to be selfless. To be selfless is to minister, and ministering demands great patience. You can only get patience if you’re in a genuine and personal relationship with God. He blesses us with the ability to support our partner.
Selfless love is hard to practice, more so in times when you’re suffering, weak, and when you feel that your prayers are not being answered. And that’s fine, and it’s why communication is crucial. Stay attached spiritually and emotionally to your partner.
Put God First
Putting God first does not mean abandoning your spouse. We understand that God wants us to be nice to everyone, more so our spouses. However, if you make God’s third cord, you’ll have a threefold cord that is not easy to tear (Eccl 4:22). Newlyweds should master to rely on God’s strength in their marriage and not upon their strength. When we put God frontline, we welcome God in the union.
Love Is A Verb
Love is a feeling and can be demonstrated in words, but the real definition of love is not about feelings, rather about deeds. Love does speak louder than words, so let actions show love. God’s love was only illustrated on the cross by His son (John 3:16), and that type of love couldn’t be portrayed by words anyway because love is a verb. It’s the activity you perform. Show your love by actions! You can’t demonstrate true love through a greeting card.
Protect The Home Turf
When the newlyweds are told to protect the home turf, it means they should exclude their parents from their marriage to a large extent. It is not wise to share a lot of information with your parents, especially when it’s about your partner.
Some things should be kept secret. The bible says, “a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen 2:24), meaning he departs from his old family and forms a new one.
That’s why it is not wise to live with parents (if they have an alternative) or are neighbours with their parents since in-law involvement can damage the newly-weds marriage.
Newly-weds should know that the journey will be challenging, with ups and downs, but through faith, kindness, and spirituality, you’ll both overcome every difficulty. And each time you shake or depart away from the path, God will be faithful, kind, and understanding and will lead you through the journey.